Friday, December 12, 2008

Linky Love

I've been tagged!

Lara, at Lara's Place, tagged me. 

I guess I am technically going to break the third rule because I am not going to tag anyone, and I don't know enough about tagging etiquette to know if people are going to be angry about that or not, but whatcha gonna do. 

So instead of tagging five specific people, I'm "tagging" anyone who wants to participate. Just let me know if you choose to do so.

Just copy and paste THIS and everything below up until my Five links:

I thought it would be cool to have a meme where we post links. We can post up to five. Then we tell five more people to share their links. If we all share who tagged us, our links are sure to be seen!

They can be business links, favorite sites, affiliate links, whatever you want…

There are Five Rules:
1. MUST be clean. No R rated sites.
2. Only FIVE links.
3. MUST tell 5 people.
4. A link back to the person who tagged you
5. Lara’s Place is the meme originator. (an active link is appreciated)

———– end copy paste ———————————–>

My Links:
1. Aunt MoMo's Corner - This is my sister's blog about aunthood. My sister is the best aunt ever. And she is going to Cambodia because she is AWESOME. I love my sister.
2. allrecipes - Yum. At allrecipes, I type in what I'm searching for and then sort by rating. It's a guaranteed delicious time.
3. Vista - This is my church. It's the best church ever. Toward the top of the site you will see a link to Mike's Blog. Mike's our pastor. He is the best pastor ever.
4. ButterflySparks - She recently designed our Christmas cards, and I recently asked her to make me a custom header. I love her unique and organic style.
5. craigslist - Because I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't obsessed.

I am Tagging:
1. You
2. Your mom
3. Your sister
4. Your mom's mom
5. Your dog


Dawn said...

I love the idea of this! Very cool! I'll play along. But, I've done two posts today so it will have to wait till this weekend. LOL!


Anonymous said...

ALi love the butterfly sparks thing wish I would have saw it before I ordered ours!!!! I guess their is always thank yous for Christmas???? Thanks for posting it