Thursday, February 12, 2009

First Birthday Inspiration

A dear fellow blogger friend (and now real-life friend) tweeted this idea for a cake.
I fell in love with it, and I have decided that it will be the cake that I serve for Henry's first birthday.
In fact, I love it so much that I am going to plan everything according to this idea - I'm thinking "classic" birthday with fun and vibrant colors, traditional games, and in case you were wondering, NO presents! He will only be one and is spoiled as is!


Marla Taviano said...

That cake is SO cool. LOVE it!

Deni said...

Awesome cake, too bad Parker can't have any of it anytime soon :( I might have to steal the idea for his 1st bday! I can't believe Henry will be one soon!

Kelly said...

That cake is the bomb! I want to make one right now :)