Tuesday, November 18, 2008

An inspiring family

A while back a friend introduced me to this blog. Blogger mom and her family are amazing. They moved into a less than desirable part of the city in order to serve the people of that community (per God's calling). Additionally, they are actively pursuing adoption of two little girls from Liberia (they have three children of their own). 

They parent uniquely and beautifully, and I admire them.
One of their goals is to educate their children about food and where it came from. They do the majority of their grocery shopping at farmer's markets with their children in tow.
I read this recent post and was inspired. I would love for my family to make the shift to eating mostly organic, local and homegrown foods.
This link directs you to their blog. I could not figure out how to link directly to the post. The post is "November 16, 2008."