Blue. Like. Jazz.
So I've been having an electronic conversation with my cousin's husband about politics. We tend to agree with each other politically and spiritually, and he brought to my attention a book that I read several years ago: Blue Like Jazz. I loved this book when I read it, and rereading it has just been added to my list of things to do while I am confined to the couch.
Blue Like Jazz is written by Donald Miller, a Christian author who swings left. For those of you who know me, you know that I love me some Jesus and I love me some Barack. Not all of my views fall left, but the majority do (I don't care for the right v. left categorizations, but you know what I mean & I know what I mean, so it works).
Blue Like Jazz is a contemporary presentation of the gospel. According to the author, "it is a book that Christians will want to give to their lost friends to explain what they believe, and to help people understand how relevant the gospel of Jesus is...specifically, Blue Like Jazz
alludes the idea that one can enjoy Christian spirituality the way one enjoys jazz music, and that like jazz music, Christian Spirituality is something you feel in the soul."Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
Read the book, people. Read the book. As soon as I find my copy, I'll be cozying up for a second rendezvous.
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