My lovely blog friend, Leah of A Silly Little Sparrow, tagged me! I guess that means I'm It!
Basically I am to post six weird things about myself, and then tag a few others. I'd love for you ALL to share with me what is weird about you. I want to know about your abnormalities and idiosyncrasies. It will give me the false belief that I am somewhat normal.
Just leave me a comment if you decide to play along.
I'm weird because . . .
- I LOVE tweezing my husband's whiskers.
- I vlog, and according to my mother, that makes me her weirdest kid.
- I pick my son's nose. Actually, that's not weird. It's a necessity.
- I have been known to dig through my parents trash and remove their recyclables and compostables. I then take both to my house so that they are properly recycled and composted.
- In my basement is a guest room. In the guest room is a wall hanging. On the wall is a stuffed duck. The duck used to be alive until my husband killed it. The duck is stuffed in such a way that it appears to be flying. I allow this sort of thing to be displayed in my home.
- The stuffed duck is hung next to a display of real turkey feathers.
I guess since I read it I gotta do it! lol.
I love that I'm finally not known as her "weirdest" child...that makes me happy!
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